The Department of Chemistry, J.B. College came into existence in 1949 with a major objective to impart quality education in the area of chemical sciences in the NE region. Currently, 03 Associate Professors, 04 Assistant Professors, and 04 supporting staff are associated with the department. The department has been awarded a special assistant grant by DST under the star college scheme, along with the Department of Botany, Physics, and Zoology. Apart from academia and research, faculty members of the department are involved in different extension services.
The department has six well-equipped laboratories for students and one for research purposes. The library of the Chemistry Department has a good collection of text and reference books available for students. The department from 2023 started offering Four Year Undergraduate Program (FYUGP) under NEP 2020, in Chemistry (core) with an intake capacity of 55 students. As per NEP 2020, the Department also offers a one-year certificate course, a two-year diploma course, a three-year degree course and a four-year degree with honours course. From the current academic session, the department is also offering a Five-Year Integrated Post Graduate Program (FYIPGP) for students qualifying CUET (UG).