- Associate Professor & Head of the Department

Dr. Dhiramani Bhuyan, M.Sc., B.Ed., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Zoology
Jagannath Barooah College (Autonomous), Jorhat, Assam
E-mail ID: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact No: +91 9435096376
Research Interest:
- Sericulture
- Indigenous fishes
Career Highlights & Awards:
- Qualified CSIR-NET
- Awarded Ph.D. Degree from Gauhati University.
Research Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals:
- Lazha, A.; Anand, K.; Madar, I.M.; Nandhine E. MD; Chakravarthi, P. and Bhuyan D. (2024) “Role of Biomarkers in Enhancing Accuracy of Human Disease Diagnosis”. Journal of Advanced Zoology. 45(2):523-532.
- Bhuyan, D and Borah A. B. (2023) “Declining Amphibian Populations: Causes, Consequences, and Conservation Strategies” in The Ciência & Engenharia - Science & Engineering Journal. 11(1):3028-3026.
- Borah A. B.; Bhuyan, D; Amin N.J. and Khatun, H. (2023) “Impact of Arsenic Contamination on Aquatic Life of North-East India” IJZI 9(2):65-74.
- Bhuyan, D. et al. (2022). A Review on the Role of Sericulture Activities for Sustainable Development. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 5(2), 99–104.
- Bhuyan, D. and Saikia, S (2022). “Traditional Healing Practice and Herbal Folk Medicines used by Different communities of Jorhat District, Assam” in Ethnic Diversity in North East- India, Ed- Kagyung, R.; Bordoloi, R. and Sarmah, D. ACTA pub.: 111-120.
- Bhuyan, D., Sarmah, M.C. and Dutta, K.D. “Seasonal variation of the rearing performance of eri silk worm, samia ricini (donovan) on Kesseru, Heteropanax fragrans (roxb.) Seem” PARIPEX - Indian journal of research 6, no. 9 (2017): 15-17.
- Bhuyan, D. “Paddy cum fish farming- a sustainable way of agriculture, Practiced in Jorhat district of Assam, with special Reference to Hatigarh village” Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries 2, no.2 (2014): 119-125.
- Bhuyan, D. “Some Indigenous Fish Preservation Techniques Practised in Jorhat District, Assam, India”International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research (IJBR) 7, no.1 (2016):55-58.
- Bhuyan, D. “A Study on Body Mass Index and Central Obesity among the College Level Students of Jorhat Town, Assam, with special reference to urbanised food habit” Bhogdoi 4 (2016):40-47.
- Bhuyan, D. and Bora, A.R. “Ericulture- An instrument of empowering rural women: A study in some villages of Jorhat District, Assam” Srotaswini: Peer- reviewed biennial bilingual research journal 2 (2015):150- 153.
- Bhuyan, D., Sarmah, M.C. and Dutta, K.D. “Effect of Differential Feeding on Eri Silk Worm (Samia Ricini Donovan) and its Pupal Protein Concentration” International Journal of Education and Science Research Review 2 (2015): 21- 24.
Books Published as Author or co-author or Editor:
- Bhuyan, D. and Thakurata, D.K. “Nanotechnology review: a glimpse into the nano world” HRDC, GU, Guwahati (2017).
Book Chapters Published as Author or Co-author or Editor:
- Bhuyan, D. “Magnetic nanoparticle as contrast agent for cancer diagnosis: a review” in Nanotechnology review: a glimpse into the nano world (Edited by Bhuyan, D. and Thakurata, D.K.): 52-58, HRDC, GU, Guwahati (2017).
- Bhuyan, D. “A Study on Paddy cum fish Farming- A Sustainable Way of Agriculture, Practiced in Barpeta District of Assam, with special reference to Sundaridia Area” in Interdisciplinary Approach to Biological Science Research and Sustainable Development, (Edited by kalian Das): 173-186, Bahona College publication Cell, Jorhat (2014).
Publications in Conference Proceedings as Author or Co-author or Editor:
- Bhuyan, D. " Vision, goals and objectives of higher education under 12th FYP and the concept of innovation universities", workshop release in "A five day UGC sponsored workshop on capacity building of women managers in higher education (Sentivity/ Awareness/ Motivation), Organised by women cell, J.B.college, Jorhat. pg: 33- 35, 26th- 30th Mar, 2013.
- Bhuyan, D."A Study on Body Mass Index and Central Obesity among the Students of J. B. College, Jorhat, Assam" in Seminar Proceeding of UGC sponsored national seminar on urbanisation and its impact in today's world with special reference to north- east india, (Edited by Bania,P.): 404- 41, published by J.B. College, Jorhat (2012).
Research Presentations (Oral or Poster) at Professional or Scientific Meetings & Conferences:
- Presented a paper in the International Seminar on Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development: The Global and Indian Perspective, organized by the Department of History and Chemistry in collaboration with ACTA held on 3rd & 4th, May, 2024 titled "Effects of Noise on the Public Health of Jorhat Town : A Case Study".
- Presented a paper in the National Seminar on Challenges and Prospects of Lifescience Research in North East India organised by Jawaharlal Nehru College, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh in collaboration with College of Agriculture (Imphal), Arunachal Pradesh held on 3rd April, entitled Influence of the host plant Heteropanax fragrans (roxb.) seem on the economic traits of Samia ricini (donovan).
- Presented a paper in the ICSSR sponsored international seminar on Traditional Knowledge (Exploring Traditional knowledge: Bridging Past and Future) held on 22nd and 23nd March, 2024 at Nowgong College, Nagaon.
- Presented a paper in the International Conference on Emerging Trends in biochemistry (ICETB- 2024), organised by Department of Botany, Chemistry and Zoology in association with IQAC, Nalbari College, Nalbari, held on 11th- 13th, March, 2024 entitled Effect of the Host Plant Heteropanax fragrans (Roxb.) Seem on Pupal Protein Concentration of Samia ricini (Donovan).
- Presented a paper in the ICSSR sponsored two day National Seminar on Environment, sustainable development and gender in North East India: Issues and Challenges held on 14th – 15th March, 2024 organised by Kakojan College in collaboration with KU, Jorhat at Kakojan College, entitled Usages of Traditional Herbal Medicines by Mishing and Deori Communities of Jorhat District of Assam.
- Presented a paper in the National Seminar on Environmental Protection, Conservation and Sustainability (Hybrid Mode), organized by Eco Club, J. B. College (Autonomous), Jorhat, Assam in collaboration with ASTEC (Dept. of Science, Technology and Climate change, Govt. of Assam) entitled “ Ethnomedicinal use of Some Locally Available Herbs by Mishing Community of Jorhat District, Assam” held on March 16, 2023.
- Presented paper in the International Webinar on “Recent Trends in Environmental Education and Research” held on August12-13, 2022 through Google Meet & presented a paper on “Diversity of birds and their behavior in Jorhat city”, jointly organized by International Academy of Science and Research (IASR), Kolkata, Confederation of Indian Universities (CIU), New Delhi & Scientific and Environmental Research Institute (SERI), Kolkata, West Bengal.
- Presented paper in the National seminar on Recent trends of research in biological sciences and allied branches for the well being of people and nature, organized by department of Botany, J. B. College (Autonomous), Jorhat, Assam in collaboration with Rain Forest Research Institute (RFRI), Jorhat, Assam and presented a paper entitled “Ericulture, Nutrition and Sustainable Empowerment” held on March 24, 2022.
- Participated and presented research paper titled “Ericulture: women empowerment and nutritional security” in the three day virtual International Conference on “Impacts & Consequences of Environmental Degradation on Animal Health and Human Wellbeing” held on 2nd to 4th September, 2021, organized by Abhayapuri College in association with Department of Zoology, Gauhati University and Aaranyak, Assam.
- Participated and presented research paper titled “A study on influence of the host plant fragrans on economic characters of eri silk worm Samia ricini (Donovan)” in the three-day virtual International Conference on “International Multidisciplinary Conference on recent trends in Agriculture, Aquaculture, Environment and Sustainability” held on 29nd to 31st July, 2021, jointly organized by IASR, SERI and GEER, Kolkata, WB.
- Bhuyan, D., Sarmah, M.C. and Dutta, K.D. “Study on some commercial aspects of Erisilk worm, Samia ricini Donovan reared on Kesseru, Hetetopanax fragrans (Roxb.) Seem” International conference on wild silk moths: ICWS- 2018, organized by CSB: ministry of textiles Govt. Of india, lahdoigarh-785700 Assam (India) and International society for wild silk moths, 22-24 January, 2018 venue: Hotel Radisson blue Guwahati, (Poster presentation).
- Sarmah, M.C., Bhuyan, D., Ahmed, S.A., Sarkar, B.N., Chutia, M., Neog, K. and Goswami, D. “Kesseru, Heteropanax fragrans: potential genotypes in terms of leaf biomass production and rearing of eri silk worm” International conference on wild silk moths: ICWS- 2018, organized by CSB: ministry of textiles Govt. Of India, lahdoigarh-785700 Assam (india) and International society for wild silk moths, 22-24 January, 2018 venue: Hotel Radisson blue Guwahati, (Poster presentation).
- Bhuyan, D. and Handique, S. “Some environmental impacts of urbanization with special reference to the expansion of Jorhat town.”, UGC sponsored National seminar on environment degradation and its effects in India with special reference to NE region, Department of Economics, Jorhat Kendriya Mahavidyalaya, 22- 23 Sept, 2017 (oral presentation).
- Bhuyan, D., Sarmah, M.C. and Dutta, K.D. “Seasonal variation on the rearing performance of eri silk worm, samia ricini (donovan) reared on kesseru, heteropanax fragrans (roxb.) Seem”, National seminar on problems & prospects of muga and eri silk sectors Central muga eri research & training institute (an iso 9001:2008 certified institute) Central silk board: ministry of textiles Govt. Of india, lahdoigarh-785700 Assam (india) venue: IIE, Guwahati, 25 & 26 february, 2016 (oral presentation).
- Bhuyan, D. and Das, R. “Animals and Plants used by some Tribes of Jorhat District to celebrate the Spring Season, ICSSR sponsored national seminar on Festivals of ethnic groups in north east India, Department of Sociology, Moran Mahila Mahavidyalaya, 6 & 7, February, 2016, (oral presentation).
- Bhuyan, D. and Hazarika, P. “A study on the health status of women labourers in tea plantations of Titabar area of Jorhat District, Assam” UGC sponsored National Seminar on Ethnicity and Ethnic Movements of North East India: Conflicts and Peace, Teachers’ Unit, N.N. Saikia College, Titabar, Jorhat, 28 & 29 September, 2015 (oral presentation).
- Bhuyan, D., Sarmah, M.C. and Dutta, K.D. “Effect of Differential Feeding on Eri Silk Worm (Samia Ricini Donovan) and its Pupal Protein Concentration” UGC sponsored National Seminar on Science, Technology and Their Impact on Society with special reference to North- East India, Department of Sociology, Jorhat College (Amalgamated), Jorhat, 29 & 30 August, 2014, (oral presentation).
- Bhuyan, D. “Indigenous Fish Preservation Techniques: A Potential for Rural Economic Development with special reference to Jorhat District, Assam, India” UGC sponsored International Seminar on Environmental Degradation, Sustainable Development and Entrancement of Poverty: Issues and Policy Implications, CKB College, Teok, Jorhat, 21- 23 August, 2014 (oral presentation).
- Bhuyan, D. and Das, R. “Status of Ornamental Fish Diversity of Potia- Charala Beel in Jorhat District, Assam, India”, International conference on Glo- cal Crisis and Environmental Governance in North- Eastern Region of India, Assam University, Silchar, November 11- 13, 2013 (oral presentation).
- Bhuyan, D. “Paddy Cum Fish Farming- A Sustainable Way Of Agriculture, Practiced In Jorhat District Of Assam, With Special Reference To Hatigarh Village”, International Conference on Ecosystem Conservation, Climate Change and Sustainable Development (ECOCASD 2013), Department of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, Kerala University, Kerala and Directorate of Environment & Climate Change, Govt. of Kerala, India, 3-5 October 2013 (Poster presentation).
- Bhuyan, D. “A Study on Paddy Cum Fish Farming- A Sustainable Way of Agriculture, Practiced in Barpeta District of Assam, with special reference to Sundaridia Area”, UGC sponsored National Seminar on Research in Biological Sciences for Sustainable Development with the Application of Mathematics and Allied Branches, Department of Botany, Mathematics and Computer Science, Bahona College, Jorhat, 10 & 11 May, 2013 (oral presentation).
- Bhuyan, D. and Bora, A.R. “Ericulture- an ethnic means to boost up a family’s economy in Rural Assam” ICHRS sponsored national seminar on Women of Assam: from pre-independence to post modern era, Department of History, DCB Girls’ College, Jorhat, Assam, 28- 29 September, 2012 (oral presentation).
- Bhuyan, D. “A Study on Body Mass Index and Central Obesity among the Students of J.B. College, Jorhat” UGC sponsored National Seminar on Urbanization and Its Impact in Today’s World with special reference to North- east India, Dept. of English, CKB Commerce College, Jorhat, 4 & 5 May, 2012 (oral presentation).
- Bhuyan, D. Saikia, S. “Problem of Health Status of Deori People, an Ethnic group, with special reference to Nam Deori Village, Jorhat, Assam”, UGC sponsored National Seminar on Emerging Trends of Societal Formation: Ethnicity, Political Unrest and Harmony & Peace Restoration in North Eastern States of India, DKD College, Dergaon, Assam, 06 & 07 December, 2011(oral presentation).
- Bhuyan, D. “An analytical study of declining sex ratio with special reference to north- east India” UGC sponsored National Seminar on Demographic dynamism in north east India opportunities and challenges, J.B. College, Jorhat, 7-8 December, 2007 (oral presentation).
Workshops/ Training/ Orientations/ Faculty Induction Programme/ Refresher Courses/ Faculty Development Programmes Participated:
- National FDP on AI Tools for e- content Development and Teaching Learning organized by UGC- Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (UGC- MMTTC/ GAD- MMTTC), SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi on 15th – 26th April, 2024.
- One Week Faculty Improvement Program on "Bio-based Technology for Green Application" organized by DBT-IBT Hub, Nanda Nath Saikia College, Titabar. Jorhat, Assam from 4th - 10th March, 2024.
- 'NEP 2020 Orientation & Sensitization Programme' under Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Programme (MM-TTP) of University Grants Commission organised by MMTTC, Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh (India) from February 5-14, 2024.
- Research paper writing workshop held on 29.02.2024 organized by Dr. Virendra Swarup Institute of Professional studies, Kanpur.
- 5 Days Faculty Development Program on Recent Trends and Applications in Data Science, organized by Department of Computer Science, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata, India conducted from 26th February – 1st March, 2024.
- Participated in the 7 Days Faculty Development Programme on “Curriculum framework in line with NEP 2020, OBE and AI Advancements” organized by IQAC, Mar Thoma College for Women, Perumbavoor, in association with The Kerala State Higher Education Council (KSHEC) from October 12th to 19th, 2023.
- Participated in 15 days Refresher Course in Zoology organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College University of Delhi under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching programme, held from September 16th to 30th, 2023.
- Participated in the 7 Days Faculty Development Programme on “Scientific language”, organized by Kaziranga University, Jorhat, Assam Assam held from April 26th to May 2nd, 2023.
- Participated in UGC approved Short Term Professional Development Programme Under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching conducted by Indira Gandhi National Open University Staff Training and Research Institute of Distance Education New Delhi on Professional Development Programme on ‘Implementation of NEP 2020 for University and College Teachers’ held from December 21st -31st, 2022.
- Participated in online two– Week Refresher Course in “Zoology” from 25 April - 09 May, 2022 organized by Teaching learning centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi in collaboration with Gargi College, University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry Of Education Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission On Teachers and Teaching.
- Participated in one week workshop on Academic Research Writing, Copyright and Plagarism organized by N N Saikia College Teachers’ Unit in collaboration with department of Botany, N N Saikia College, Titabar, Jorhat, held from 14th – 19th November, 2022.
- Participated in the LEVEL 1 of BioNEST Campus Connect, which is an introductory initiative of CSIR-NEIST BioNEST-Jorhat, to train on the process of developing technological innovations, held at J. B. College, Jorhat on September 23, 2022.
- Participated in the One Day "International Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights" organized by IQAC, J. B. College (Autonomous), Jorhat, Assam held on September 3, 2022.
- Participated in the 9 Days Workshop Cum Skill Development Training Programme on “Mushroom Cultivation and Agarbatti Production”, organized by ECO CLUB along with Career Counselling Cell, J. B. College (Autonomous), Jorhat, Assam in collaboration with Rain Forest Research Institute (RFRI), Jorhat, Assam held from August 5th to 12th, 2022.
- Participated in Two Week Faculty Development Program on Outcome based Education and Technology in Higher Education organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) of Ministry of Education from 14th July to 03rd August 2021.
- Online Refresher Course/ Two Week Faculty Devlopment Program on Outcome based Education and Technology in Higher Education PMMMNMTT Scheme of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India sponsored by PMMMNMTT Scheme of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi on 14th July to 3rd August, 2021.
- One-Week Faculty Development Programme on “Open Source Tools For Research sponsored by PMMMNMTT Scheme of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College University of Delhi on 3rd to 9 April, 2021.
- Online Weeklong Faculty Development Program in Emerging Trends of Pedagogy in Higher Education sponsored by PMMMNMTT Scheme of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Tezpur University on 15th to 20th March, 2020.
- Online Weeklong Faculty Development Program in Emerging Trends of Pedagogy in Higher Education sponsored by PMMMNMTT Scheme of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India organized by Dept. of Education, Dibrugarh University on 15th to 20th March, 2020.
- Participated in One week FDP on Moodle learning management system” (online) organized by B. College with IIT, Bombay on 25th June to 1st July, 2020.
- Participated in one Week Faculty Development Program on Flow Cytometry: Priciples, applications, experimental designing and data analysis” (online) organized by Flow cytomerty solutions on 1st June to 6th June, 2020.
- Participated in one Week Faculty Development Program on Gender concerns in Education” (online) organized by Centre for women studies, Dibrugarh University on 26th May- 1st June, 2020.
Any Other Publication:
- “Beti bachao beti padhao: an initiative for women empowerment & education” Cocoon (A biennial publication of the Department of Zoology) pg. 6 (2018).
- “Blue whale: the life taking challenge” Jebian, vol. 79, pg 79-81 (2018).
- “Evolution of voting method in India”, Cocoon (A biennial publication of the Department of Zoology) pg: 4 (2015).
- “Spider silk” Jebian, vol.77, pg 44 (2015).
- “Gene therapy” in Chatry Aarghya, 3rd year, 1st issue, Pg 37- 38 (May, 2015).
- “Why Juveniles Become Delinquent?” in ‘Timiror Poridhi Bhangi’. Editor: Anmona Borah & Dr. Kalyani Goswami. Pg: 164-167. ( 23 Aug, 2014).
- "The Future Food: Non- conventional Food Resources" in Xudhamukto Bharat- Bastob ne Bibhrom. Editor: Dr. Manik Saikia & Surajit Sarmah. Pg: 23- 27. (2013).
- "Origin of social networking sites" in Cocoon (A yearly publication of the Department of Zoology), Pg. 13 (2013).
- "Celebrating forests: 2011" in Jebian, College Magazine, 73rd edition, Pg: 42-44, (2010-11).
Professional Responsibilities/ College Committee Assignments:
- Coordinator, IPR Legal & Ethical Matters, J. B. College (Autonomous), Jorhat
- Member, Hostel Committee, J. B. College (Autonomous), Jorhat
- Member, Vermicompost Plant, J. B. College (Autonomous), Jorhat