- Faculty (Contractual)

Name: Pompy Bhuyan
Designation : Assistant Professor(Contractual)
Department: Philosophy
Jagannath Barooah College (Autonomous)
Jorhat 785001, Assam, India
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Education/ Academic qualification (latest first)
- Details of Master’s – Passed from J.B College in the year 2013
- Details of Bachelor’s Degree – Passed from J.B College in the year 2011
- SLET- cleared from SLET Commission Gauhati University in the year 2015
- PGDCA- Passed from Global Engineering Academy in the year 2015
Professional/Teaching Experience (latest first)
- Serving as Assistant Professor from 2016 to till date
Teaching responsibilities (current academic yesr/semester only)
- Teaching HS classes (1ST YR AND 2ND YR)
- Teaching PG classes
- Teaching UG classes
- Organising Seminars and Holding Group Discussions (UG, PG students)
Professional responsibilities
- Paper Setter
- Member of J.B College, Women Cell
- member, Editorial Board, BEEKSHAN, Philosophical Journal of J.B College(Autonomous)
Other publications (any journal/magazine)
- An article named “Gandhiji’s Views on Religious Conversion” published in“INTUIT”(ISSN:2319-2097) A Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary International Research Journal of D.C.B Girls College.
- An article named “ Morality in Environmental Ethics” published in “BEEKSHAN”(ISSN 2250-0898) The Philosophical Journal of J.B College( Autonomous)
- An article named “ Educational Ideals of Rabindranath Tagore” published in “BEEKSHAN”(ISSN 2250-0898) The Philosophical Journal of J.B College( Autonomous)
Conference presentations
- Presented a paper in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Gandhian Philosophy and Women Empowerment” organised by Gandhi Study Centre and Women Cell, Jhanji Hemnath Sarma College
- Presented a paper in the ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on “Gender Equality and Women Empowerment- A North Eastern Perspective” organised by Pithubar Girls Degree College
- Participated in the One day State Level Workshop On “Research Methodology:Methods and Techniques” organised by I.Q.A.C ,DCB Girls college