- Assistant Professor

Name: Dr. Mushrifa Ibrahim.
Designation: Assistant Professor Department: English.
Jagannath Barooah College (Autonomous) Barpatra Ali, Jorhat, Assam.
Pin: 785001.
Landlineline/mobile:9864252538/8011694374. Email: mushrifaibrahim1232gmail.com.
Permanent Address: Raja Maidam, New Colony, Jorhat.785001
Academic qualification:
Post Graduation in English from Tezpur University,2004. M.Phil from University of Hyderabad ,2006.
Ph.D from Dibrugarh University,2024
Area of Specialization: Women’s writing in English, Cultural Studies, Popular Literature, Graphic Fiction.
Work/Teaching Experience: Teaching experience of 17 years.
Teaching responsibilities (current academic year): English Honours Course (CBCS) and NEP, Generic Elective Courses. Skill Enhancement courses, Conducting Seminar Papers and Projects.
Professional Responsibilities/College committee:
- Memberof admission Committee
- Presidentof SES 2019-2021
- Treasurerof SES 2021-
- Teacher-incharge J.B Collage,2016-17
- JointConvenor of Student’s Welfare and Grievance Redressal Committee
- Memberof J.B College Film Society
- JointEditor of UGC CARE Listed Journal Srotaswini published in 2023.
Research ,Scholarly, Professional and Scientific Activity:
- Completed a two year Minor Project on “ Post-modern Fiction: Reading IndianCulture through Graphic Novels” in September 2016,funded by NERO.
- Co-Editedtwo volumes of Siddhanta: The Conclusions in 2017 and 2019
Research publications in Peer- reviewed journals(UGC-CARE)
- “Rereading ‘Mahatma’ in Indian History through a reading of Bhimayana:Experiences of Untouchability.DUJES Volume 29 ,2020-21
Research publications in Peer- reviewed journals ( Any Journal with ISBN number)
- “Culturesof Adolescence: Perceptions and perspectives” in Srotaswini Vol II ,205
- “WhitherKuntala,Bandita,Anurupa? Wo(e) manhood and the World of Bhabendra Nath Saikia’s Short Stories” in Srotaswini Vol III ,2017
- “Negotiating Disability StudiesTrauma through Literature: A Critical Study of the Graphic Novel Mai.” Transcript Vol 3 No 2 July-December 2023
Book Chapters as author:
- “Historyand Imagination: Enchantment of Salman Rushdie’s The Enchantress of Florence”in Siddhanta :The Conclusions. Vol 1 ,2017.
- “ Glimpses of the Inner Courtyard: Women in the Short Stories ofLakshminath Bezbaroa” in Lakshminath Bezbaroa: A Critical Spectrum 2019.
- “Rereading Myths Through Graphic Novels: A Study of Sita’s Ramayana and
Adiparva” in Siddhanta :The Conclusions. Vol 2 ,2019
Publications in Conference proceedings as author:
- “ Cheeky lit/ Chick lit: An Appraisal of the Changing Lives of Indian Women” in theconference proceeding Changing Role of Indian Woman in the Contemporary Society: Issues and Perspectives,2017
- “Retelling Tales: A Graphic narration of Ramayana and Sultana’s Dream” ” in theconference proceeding Socio-Economic Development of South Asian Countries: Past,Present and Future 2015
Invited talks /lectures at Professional or scientific meetings and conferences:
- Invited talkon “ A Brief appraisal of Postcolonial theory: Contexts and Texts”Department of English,D.K.D College,June 2022
- Invited talk on “Cinematic Fiesta: Anappraisal of Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children” Department of English, Women’s University, June 2022.
Research presentations (oral or poster) at professional or scientific meetings and conferences:
- “RetellingFolktales from an Ecocritical Perspective” in the International Seminar on “ Environmental Degradation,Sustainable Development and Entrenchment of Poverty: Issues and Policy Implications” at CKB College Teok,2014
- “The Bronze Sword of Thengphakri Tehsildar: Unearthing the Hidden Trails ofHistory of Assam”in the National Seminar on Historical Significance of Women in North East Bharat with Special Reference to Assam at Jorhat Kendriya Mahavidyalay,2016.
- “Languageof politics,politics of Language” in the International Seminar on “India’s Northeast Beyond Borders:Past,Present and Future” at Margherita College,2014
- “Picturing the Periphery: An analytical Study of the Graphic Novel The Hotel at theEnd of the World” in the International Conference on Language,Ethnicity and Identity at Tinsukia College,2017
- “ThisSide: That Side: Rendering a Visual -Verbal Presentation of Partition in India” in the national seminar on Re-readingof the Discoursesin ContemporaryIndian English Literature at JHS College,2017
- “Inscribing Identities:Bearing Witness to Restructuring Identities in Post TraumaSurvivors” in the International Seminar on Socio-cultural Assimilation in Northeast India and Southeast Asia at JHS College,2018